/EDUKARE/ To bring up, to train & to teach


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Donna is currently studying her bachelor of early childhood teaching, with an aim to be completed in 2025. Donna believes that every child is unique, competent and capable, and will strive to provide a holistic, nurturing and supportive environment that fosters children's development across all domains. She believes in the importance of a child's voice not just being heard but valued and integrated into the learning process. Donna believes children learn best when they feel valued, respected and are listened to and responded to. She believes taking the time to stop and sit down with children is essential to confirm their importance in their school community. Donna aims to provide a family and community approach to the programs from the nursery up to the preschool room. She believes this involves a safe, happy, caring and stimulating environment for all children. She believes enabling all children to develop their capabilities to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors within our community and society. Donna recognises family's valuable knowledge about their children and understands and supports them in this role and empowers educators and families to feel inspired to work together in a collaborative partnership focused on providing a dynamic learning environment to ensure each child realises their full potential. Outside of work, Donna's interests include spending time with her daughter and her dad and either playing with her dog, studying or spending time in her garden.